Thursday, August 21, 2008

back at square one

Well, ladies, I have to start all over. I've had a rough couple of weeks at work and am back at square one. Looking forward to seeing you all. I might finish this... one day. :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Life Decision

When I first started this mission, my thoughts were I can do this. However, it has proved to be much more than a challange, but a life changing processes. Starting over has happened three times now, but starting over is easier each time and the thought of reverting becomes less of an option.

I love my life now! I have nothing to compare it to anymore and have to make my own paths. It is easier to just be positive and to live that way. Each day I write down things that upset me or simply reflect on my life and how it has changed. This really allows me to analyse and think about how I have taken comments and changing thoughts in general.

I have logged 5 days.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

3 Days for you...1 day for me... :)

From the title, I guess you all have figured that I have had to start over needless to say a couple of times. LOL Doesn't it seem like sometimes whenever you try and better yourself on a spirtual level, you are tested and challenged more than ever?
With that said, I may have slipped up a bit, but I am still moving forward and getting rid of the negativity that people try to bring to me.
I've decided to give myself some quiet time every night to just reflect on how the Lord has blessed me through some christian books I have. I think it's going to help me to continue to stay strong.

I end with today I am thankful for just sunshine. As it was brightly shining in my eyes as I drove, lol, I thought, wow, at least I woke up this morning and I have eyesight to see!
I hope everyone is doing great this week.
Miracles and Blessings!

Monday, August 11, 2008

3 Days In

You never realize how complaining affects your every day life, and how difficult it can be to make the effort to show up for not only yourself but for the others you are sharing this journey along side. This weekend was great, and of course the opportunity to "complain" was always around, but 3 days in I think of this; someone very close to me has been in Iraq and Afghanistan for what was to be a "quick trip", 121 days later he has lost his choice to "not show up"! The least I could do is show up and committ to giving this journey my all!

I thank God for waking me up this morning, and for challenging my every thought and movement. Until next time...